Healing what lies beneath the appearance we present to the world

With 1:1 sessions of the Body Compassion therapeutic coaching approach, I help you explore your relationship with your body, body image and confidence challenges. I guide you to experience recovery, and to heal what lies beneath the appearance you present to the world.

I evolved the Body Compassion approach using cornerstones of powerful and established trauma-informed trainings, to empower you with clarity and deep, respectful understanding of what you’re feeling, perceiving, thinking and experiencing, and from where it comes.

Turmoils and hopelessness that we feel around body, age, food, perceived flaws, changes, how we interact with the world, how we wish to be seen, can lead us into often relentlessly destructive thoughts, behaviours, reactions, and patterns. In fact your body’s weight, appetite, hunger, feelings, injuries, symptoms, emotions, and self-judgments, are opening the door to a much bigger picture.

They are messengers desperate for your attention. They show the way to past wounds asking to be heard, seen, and healed. To understand your underlying fears, pain, shame, anger and sadness, begins the process for natural, powerful shifts and change -emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Your body knows things you cannot express or even sometimes remember with your conscious mind, nor apply logic or analysis. I guide you to feel, see and hear the language of your body and its experiences, to restore your trust in your body, and work with its wisdom.

Body Compassion carefully brings forth the material in you that you’ve been carrying all your life. From this place of connection, gentle yet purposeful recognition, processing and healing can happen. As Jung said, ‘Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate

How often do you check out of your body? That could be anything from pills, exercise, alcohol, food, busy-ness, work, overthinking, addictions, surgeries, diet plans, binges, tracking, dysmorphia, exhaustion, restriction, burn-out… anything to avoid actually feeling your body. Or how often do you make your body ‘wrong’? ‘Wrong’ weight, shape, size, behaviour… even though it dutifully does everything to keep you in the best survival state possible under the conditions you give it?

When you disconnect from your body and see it as the problem, you abandon yourself. The very obstacles to your healing, are in fact your attempts not to feel.
That’s why a ‘Tool-kit’, ‘System’, ‘Diet’, ‘Method’, ‘Mindset’, ‘Willpower’, ‘One-touch formula for success’ don’t work long-term, if at all. They keep you looking for answers, foods, validation or behaviour plans ‘out there’, while bypassing the powerful subconscious dynamics and felt experiences within you.

Every session of Body Compassion is led by your unique life ecology, to safely illuminate the answers you already hold within your subconscious. With self-efficacy, you reconnect with your innate natural capability for healing; to metabolise, assimilate and digest your experiences. In this way, you are empowered.

Body Compassion clears your path to powerful shifts, confidence and knowing in your life situations and encounters. A fully expressed, fully engaged, fully alive, fully present, authentic and consciously embodied life, is yours.

Find out more by emailing at: info@immodestyblaize.com

For over 20 years Kelly has performed on stage globally as renowned burlesque star Immodesty Blaize, awarded the Queen of Burlesque title in Las Vegas in 2007. She has been a vocal curve ambassador in the media, and is a bestselling author and speaker.

Additionally, Kelly’s wealth of experience working publicly with the body, body image and performance, underpinned by various trauma-informed trainings including Compassionate Inquiry, clinical EFT, and eating psychology, makes Kelly an expert and adept professional in the realm of body wisdom, and mind-body therapeutic approaches.

Thank you!